Bogue will be 8 in pet years December 15. His usually is very friendly but is not feeling well right now. One of his ears is hurting and his nose is running. Allergies? He loves visitors and also loves to have his chin, belly and behind his ears scratched and he will lay on your feet til you do this. But as you can tell from the top picture, he just does not feel well. Maybe he will feel better tomorrow. One funny thing about Bogue is when he is really tired he snores and talks in his sleep. His pet made a video of him snoring. Bogue does not like shrimp, tomatoes or mean people - he can spot non-caring attitudes really quick and he steers clear of them. He really only likes about 3 people. - He hates the rain - would lay under the bed all day if it rains - he holds his pee all day if it rains -
He loves rides & little kids - If the boat pulls away from the house - he has to be in it or he pouts all day if he thinks his pet went fishing without him - he barks when a fish is pulled in and licks em for a while then jumps back up near the trolling motor and tries to see them in the water for hours at a time
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